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Career Pathways

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The Project


Career Pathways

This project has emerged from work being undertaken by the project partners and in response to discussions between
the partners on how new skill needs can best be addressed.
The advancement of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and new forms of
work and work organization, has wide-ranging economic and societal implications now and in the future. At the same time,
the shift towards more sustainable and green economies is reshaping labour market demand and supply.

The project plans to address the need for career pathways for those seeking to develop skills for future employment and
the market for VET organizations to provide new learning opportunities for individuals to acquire these skills. It also
addresses the need identified by Cedefop for new tools for careers and employment professionals to support adults
(especially those with low skills) in identifying new skills and employment possibilities.

The objectives of the project are to:
a) Analyse present and future skills demand in different occupations;
b) Provide careers pathways to training and employment for unemployed people and those at risk of unemployment;
c) Provide data for employers, policymakers, planners, and vocational education and training providers on skills and
training demand related to national and regional markets;
d) Train career advisors in institutions and Public Employment Services in using the Career Pathway tools.

Partnership :

  • Associacao Universidade Empresa para Desenvolvime Nto TECMINHO (Portugal)
  • Active Citizens Partnership (Greece)
  • Pontydysgu SL (Spain)
  • Universidad del Pais Vasco (Spain)
  • Associacao para a Educacao Profissional do Vale do Ave (Portugal)
  • Symvouloi Epixeiriseon/ Efarmoges ypsilis technologias IDEC (Greece)

Other information

Start: November 2021

Duration: 34 Months


Funding: Erasmus+ KA2 VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational
education and training

Website :



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