The Project



Project Cybermedi@tors aims to create an on-line collaborative learning environment based on social learning, addressed to both teachers and students to deal with the cyberbullying phenomenon through digital education on how to prevent and how to fight cyberbullying in the digital technology society. Teachers and students will find in the present project physical and virtual spaces to co-create knowledge and strategies to fight cyberbullying. Our first priority is to “support teachers, school leaders and other teaching professionals” by giving them the needed tools, resources and knowledge to deal with cyberbullying. In this sense, we have proposed a series of actions and tools meant to give feedback and knowledge through an exchange of personal and group experiences, and through a process of co-creation between students, teachers and parents. The acquired knowledge about the tools and resources will be then transferred to their students, empowering them in the processes of cybermediation, also co-creating knowledge and co-working together to manage possible situations of cyberbullying. Another of our priorities will be fulfilled as the “inclusion and diversity in all fields of education” will be managed through managing and de-escalating situations where possible situations of exclusion might happen and might be manifested through cyberbullying.

The main target group is the one represented by the students of primary and secondary education enrolled in the 6 associated partners/schools within this project. In addition, other groups will be targeted in a logical order, that entails a pyramidal structure starting from teachers and ending in students and other professionals (and eventually parents). The second group targeted in the project would be the students in compulsory education. They will benefit from creating a collaborative learning environment where they are both creators, users and mediators. They will be trained by the teachers who previously received training in cybermediation, in aspects such as bullying, cyberbullying, and its ethical and legal concerns. Professionals in education such as psychologists and other agents and stakeholders in the field will also have access to training activities and an active participation in the whole process through the Cyberlabs, the MOOCs hosted in the digital platform of the project. Parents will be also addressed and involved in the dynamics of co-creation through active participation in the development of the material, best practices and the procedures to be implemented. The project will also have a direct impact on the associated schools as they will be able to incorporate to their curricula specific protocols and roadmaps to fight cyberbullying.

Partnership :


Other information

Start: November 2021

Duration: 18 Months


Funding: Erasmus+ KA210 – SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education

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