The Project

“Promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage of Bulgarian – Greek cross-border region through smart and digital tools”, with acronym “eTOURIST”


Overall objective
Project overall objective is to promote & develop cultural & natural heritage, gastronomy & wine in CB area Haskovo-Evros for tourist purposes.

Specific objectives

  1. Assessment of cultural & natural heritage sites & traditional culinary & wine important for tourist purposes in Haskovo-Evros region;
  2. Support for development of natural & cultural heritage, traditional culinary & wine in Haskovo-Evros;
  3. Cultural & natural heritage of CB area Haskovo–Evros – closer to tourists;
  4. Promoting cultural & natural heritage of CB area;
  5. Improved knowledge on CB traditional culinary & wine



  • Work package 1: Project Management & Coordination
  • Work package 2: Communication & Dissemination
  • Work package 3: Integrated eTOURIST methodology for cultural & natural sites and for traditional culinary & wine
  • Work package 4: Development of eTOURIST package
  • Work package 5: Valorization of Haskovo-Evros traditional culinary & wine
  • Work package 6: eTOURIST on the global tourism market




Partners :

  • Coordinator: Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza” (Bulgaria)
  • Ethnological Musem of Thrace (Greece)
  • Active Citizens Partnership (Greece)

Other information

Start: October 2017

Duration : 24 Months


Funding : Cooperation Programme “Interreg V –A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020

National Authority : Managing Authority of the Objective “European Territorial Cooperation” Operational Programmes of the Ministry for Economy and Development, acting as the Managing Authority of the Cooperation Programme “Interreg V –A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020