The Project

” Interregional Social Enterprise Empowerment”, with acronym “I-SEE”

“I see” project main objective is the Support of social entrepreneurship in Eastern Macedonia – Thrace and Smolyan CBC regions by encouragement of social entrepreneurship and social inclusion and increasing employment in social groups in risk.

The project specific objectives are:

  • to establish support structures for social entrepreneurship
  • to develop support mechanism and appropriate tools for social enterprises
  • to build the capacity of social entrepreneurship consultants
  • to raise awareness for social entrepreneurship

The project outputs include:

  • Two support structures for social entrepreneurship, one in Xanthi and one in Smolyan.
  • Studies of the contribution and role of the social economy in the two regions incl. action plan and recommendations.
  • Support tools for the operation of the two support structures: a blended tool for the identification of needs and evaluation of social entrepreneurship ideas, a business guide for social entrepreneurship in the region, incl. interactive web-version, a franchising model
  • Capacity building activities for the staff of the support structures.
  • Awareness raising activities, including networking events, thematic workshops, transnational networking between social enterprises and the organisation of an info day at the end of the project, for the promotion of social entrepreneurship and the promotion of the social enterprises that will be formed by the end of the project.


Partners :

  • Coordinator: Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (Greece)
  • Active Citizens Partnership (Greece)
  • Urban non-profit company “Social Solidarity Network of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace” “STIRIKSI” (Greece)
  • Region of Smolyan (Bulgaria)
  • Smolyan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)

Other information

Start: October 2017

Duration : 24 Months


Funding : Cooperation Programme “Interreg V –A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020

National Authority : Managing Authority of the Objective “European Territorial Cooperation” Operational Programmes of the Ministry for Economy and Development, acting as the Managing Authority of the Cooperation Programme “Interreg V –A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020