After two years, the project TANDEM has been completed, and let us give you a summary insight of the project’s aims and what we have achieved through these years.
The project “TANDEM – TAsk-based laNguage teaching anD collaborative lEarning for upskilling Migrants” aims to increase the employability and key competencies of migrant and local adults by offering them an innovative and non-formal learning opportunity in which migrants are encouraged to use their existing linguistic capabilities and turn them into an employment possibility as a language teacher while promoting intercultural exchanges and peer-learning with local adults.
Specific objectives
- To design and deploy an innovative upskilling pathway
- To foster the development of key competencies among migrants
- To raise migrants’ awareness of the value of language skills
- To improve linguistic abilities both among migrants and local people
- To promote social inclusion of migrant adults
For whom is this project suitable?
- Migrants over 18 years old
- Local adults
- Organizations
What about the results of the project?
- An interactive map of language communities and skills was created. This map shows the results of research on language diversity and key competences of migrant and local adults in each of the occupied countries concerning the ability to communicate in different languages, cultural awareness, and digital skills.
- We produced an Open Textbook on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT).
- We created an interactive course (MOOC) on Task-Based Language Teaching. The MOOC includes five modules about how to use TBLT to teach a language to turn it into an asset for employability and social integration. This learning opportunity will be primarily for migrants, yet it will also be open to anyone interested in acquiring a flexible technique to teach a language.
- A hand-out for cultural and language exchanges,
- A framework for skills screening, monitoring, and validation.
For more information about the project, visit the official website here, where you may also find the available files for download.
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